All in Top 5

Top 5: Crime Films

This Top 5 focuses on the multi-faceted genre that is Crime films. Movies were only considered if the story revolved around a crime or criminal activity; the life of crime could not just be a backdrop to the action or just a small part of the plot. Additionally, there are a multitude of subtypes within this genre, so while gangster / mobster and heist films were included, I decided to separate out film noirs since they are so unique and could really make their own list down the line. Despite my limited viewings in this genre, come with me down a dark alleyway and run towards the Top 5 Crime Films.

Top 5: Nostalgia Movies

This Top 5 is taking a trip down childhood memory lane to choose the best Nostalgia Movies - films that I loved as a kid and continue to love to this day. The film must have been watched multiple times during my youth and continue to be associated with a memory or tradition that was an important marker of growing up. Therefore, any film produced past 2004, when I graduated high school, has not been considered - and, to even make the cut, the film must be associated with more than just constant re-watches in our downstairs rec room (arranged with a HUGE - well, big for the ‘90s - screen with actual surround sound that my dad installed); rather, these films must be an essential part of my childhood progression into adult-hood and laid the groundwork for a future of loving cinema.

Top 5: Movies with Swords

A Top 5 filled with adventure and swashbuckling - this list considers Movies with Swords. A few qualifications, the swords must be made of metal (thus disqualifying laser swords from a certain space opera fantasy) and must be central to the plot. Just because a movie has a scene with a sword fight doesn’t earn its place on the list; rather, the sword must be integral to the story, advance the plot, or play a role in the main character’s journey. Come with me to fantastical times and consider the best films that feature swords.

Top 5: One Timers

This Top 5 is considering movies you’ve watched once and never need to re-visit again, whether because it was a slog from start to finish, too emotional to subject yourself to again, or brings you rage just thinking about the title. There are absolutely films one can appreciate, be glad to watch once, but don’t need to experience again; on the other hand, there are films that are such a miss that one will actively avoid future contact. For this list, the film must have been viewed in its entirety, not seen again, and will not be seen again in the future.

Top 5: Sports Movies

This Top 5 examines Sports Movies - those tales of inspiration where people are training to achieve physical and mental domination over their opposition in a competition, often facing their own inner struggles as well during the course of the story arc.

Top 5: Best Sequels

This Top 5 is considering Best Sequels and, as the concept of a sequel has expanded in recent years (think of the Harry Potter eight movie epic series of “sequels”), for this list, a sequel is defined as a direct follow up to an initial movie.

Top 5: Movies About Movies

The first Top 5 subject (way back in 2005) was Movies About Movies. Fairly self-explanatory, so few caveats are necessary; I define this topic as movies that are about making movies, whether in Hollywood or independently, either in the subject matter or form.